It's time, ok past time, for the Nonfiction Picture Book 10 for 10 event! You can read more about it
here. Thank you to Cathy and Mandy for hosting this event.
So...I made my list last week but I am just getting around to putting it in a blog tonight. As you can see I have totally fallen out of the blog habit, as poor as it was to begin with. However, I love reading all the 10 for 10 posts so I feel it's important to add my 2 cents even if I am a few days late.
Tuesday Tucks Me In-I may have read about this book in last year's 10 for 10, I'm not sure. However, it was a very popular book with my reading students last spring. A very touching story. I will be putting it on my budget for next year.
Best in Snow- I love winter and I love photography so this book is a hit with me! I'll also admit that it's a nice feeling to look at these photos and think hey, I could have done everyone of those. :) This would be a perfect book for students that live in warm weather climates. She also has a book about raindrops. I need to check that one out as well.
Trombone Shorty-This is one of the selections for this years
March Book Madness. I love it for several reasons. It's a story about following your passion as well as giving back to your community. The illustrations are wonderful and really captured my student's attention. And I'll be honest, I need more diverse books in my classroom.
Whoosh-A fun story on the history of the super soaker.
Pink is for Blobfish-Another contender for March Book Madness. Who knew there were so many pink animals? My students have loved learning about these unique creatures.
I have a Dream-I love Kadir Nelson's paintings in
If You Plant a Seed so as soon as I saw this at the library I knew I had to check it out. The paintings that go with the speech are perfect. Another book I'll be purchasing for my classroom.
The Best Part of Me- I haven't used this book for a couple of years but I think I may use it again this spring. A few years ago I used it with my fourth graders and had them write their own page. I then published our book on Bookemon and several parents purchased the book. I think I'll do it with my fifth graders as a fun end of the year project. The author had children take a photo of their best part and write their thoughts about it.
Poop Detectives: Working Dogs in the Field-Yep, anything with poop and dogs is going to be popular with fourth and fifth graders. I just picked this up at the library the other day. I haven't shared it with my classes yet but I'm sure it will be a hit.
Dragonfly-by David Miller Hmmm...when I looked this up on Amazon it said no image available. When I Googled it I found this image from Target but the book is not available. When I went back to Amazon and searched Up Close and Scary the same book came up but with the authors; Louise & Richard Spilsbury. I'll have to investigate this a bit more. This is another book I just picked up at the library. The detailed photographs of the dragonfly are amazing! The size of the text and the amount of information on each page is going to be perfect for my students. There are four books in the series. I plan on ordering the set for next year. The set of books are by Louise & Richard Spilsbury.
Dorothea's Eyes-This book inspired me to learn more about this amazing photographer. It's a great book about overcoming diversity and following one's passion.
Well, that's it for this time. Now it's time to head over to the Google+ Community and start adding books to my hold list for the library! Good thing I'm on vacation next week so I'll have plenty of time to read.