Friday, November 26, 2010


As I attended NYSCATE this year I had a new focus. I searched for resources for primary reading of course. I attended sessions on iPod touches and iPads looking for ways to use them with my students. I don't have an iPad yet but I think that will be the item I"ll put on my budget for next year.
Here's what I found that I'm interested in purchasing for my classroom:
Puppet Pals for iPad also available for iPod Touch/Phone-Students could write a skit and then practice fluency when recording it on the iPod.
Doodle Buddy-free app for iPod Touch. Not too impressed yet.
Well, it's been a month since I attended NYSCATE and this post still isn't done. Let's see if get it done today.
Story Buddy-$2.99-this is an app for the iPad but I just searched and found there's Story Buddy Jr for the iPhone/iPod Touch. It looks very promising for young students to write, save and share stories via iBooks. I'll be purchasing this one to explore.
Flash Cards Deluxe $3.99-was mentioned as a great flash card app. Students are able to draw and record on the cards.
Comic Touch Lite-free-It looks like you can make comics out of photos by adding speech/thought bubbles and captions.

A few other links I found at the conference:
Dropbox-I have just recently started using Dropbox and love it for files I use at home and work. Many presenters mentioned that they use it for students to share files as well. multilple urls into one.

New York State Reading Resource Center
This website serves as a portal for up to date information on reading instruction. I need to spend some time here checking out all the resources!

DEVONThink -"designed to manage and keep in order all those disparate pieces of information so important to your work or studies." For me Dropbox and Evernote do a good job of organizing my information, but you might be interested in checking this out.

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